Askomiw Ksanaqak (Forever Dangerous)
Propaganda peel off
Climate crisis might jeopardize the safety of nuclear power plants.
International Statement
Why nuclear power will never be right for Australia.
Demand Shut Down Now.
New report published by George Washington University.
Report by European Environmental Buero
SMR Power Point Reactor.
IAEA Nuclear Fairy Tales
Dangerous Lifetime Extension.
Shame on Energy Fuels
Tripling Nuclear not realistic.
Renewable, not Radioactive
The 2023 Nuclear Free Asia Forum in South Korea
Nuclear needs to go extinct.
The largely unacknowledged health effects.
Doctors demand a global change of course at the IPPNW World Congress in Kenya.
Nuclear Power faces five primary and unsolved challenges.
COP 27 confirmes Our Fears.
No Net Zero Scams
Nuclear Power in Times of Conflict.
There are radioactive hotspots everywhere.
EU Taxomony and Climate Protection.
Nuclear Myths About the Just Transition.
Our shared energy future is renewable, not radioactive.
Atomkraft ist keine nachhaltige Investition.
Nuclear Subsidies - an unnecessary Threat
USA - Corrupt and unnecessary Subsidies
Atomkraft keine nachhaltige Energieerzeugung.
Not to generate any radioactive waste in the first place.
No Takeover of EU Taxonomy.
Voices from Australia to EU Commission
Nuclear out of green Finance
Critical Review published by the Austrian Institute of Ecology
Respect Democratic Process and pack it in.
Campaign to keep Australia Nuclear-Free.
For Climate Justice
The Tide has turned.
Global Appeal to End Nuclear Threat
New Report about "Rehabilitation" Plan
Gesamtgesellschaftliche Kosten 1 Billion €
Ein Abschließendes Urteil ?
Farmers confront Trade Union
Groups across Canada against "New" Nuclear
Sussex University Business School has gathered historical data.
Local authorities demand the closure of all the UK’s ageing NPP
The Poor pay for the grim Legacy of Uranium Mining
Advice to Office for Nuclear Regulation
Sea level rise accelerating faster than thought
Uranium mining especially does not belong near the Grand Canyon
Nuclear power is not an option for the climate-friendly energy mix
The interdependence of military and civilian nuclear industries
Uranium quantities to be as much as 4000 times natural levels
For Uranium Atlas by Winona LaDuke
The nuclear industry is heavily promoting the idea of building small modular reactors (SMRs)
Overview of the current status of nuclear waste across the world.
The European Pressurized Reactor (EPR) expensive delay
IPPNW response to the new report by the International Energy Agency (IEA)
Nuclear-No Solution to Climate Change